Okay, this entry will definitely be shorter than everything else so far. LOL. :p
Remember my conversation with the Songwriting department chair, that I talked about two blogs entries ago? (Yes, the really long blog entry, that one.)
I mentioned in that blog that, as part of my situationer to the department chair, I said that I was denied a scholarship, hence I really needed to make the most of my time in Berklee.
What I didn’t mention was that I had joked that maybe it was my age that had kept me from getting a scholarship, to which he had just chuckled; but later in the conversation, he absently said, “You know, if we have two students who apply for scholarship, and they have the same amount of talent, but one is ten years older than the other, then we’ll tend to favor the younger one, because he has more years of potential ahead of him...”
And I just figured I’d share this for the sake of everyone who’s putting off following their dreams and pursuing their passions for whatever reason. While I’ve no regrets about starting at Berklee at 34, this is also a pretty good reminder that opportunity isn’t a lengthy visitor.
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